If you wish to contact us…

For information or questions regarding the courses, please call the person in charge of continuing education by phone at (514) 342-2816 ext.242 or by email at [email protected]

Collège dÉtudes Ostéopathiques – Montréal

550 Av. Beaumont suite 500,
H3N 1V1 Montral (Québec)
Tel.: (514) 342-2816 / Fax: (514) 731-7214
[email protected]

Deutsches Osteopathie Kolleg Österreichisches Osteopathie Kolleg

Anzengruberstr. 12, D-83101
Rohrdorf (Allemagne)
Tél. : 00 49 080 36 78 08
Fax : 00 49 080 36 36 10
[email protected]

CEO – Québec

573, rue de Bernières
Lévis (Québec) G7A 1E5
Tél. : (418) 831-2992 / Fax : (418) 831-6748
[email protected]

CEO – Halifax

Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
1 800 263-2816
[email protected]

Swiss International College of Osteopathy

Stella Matutina, Zinnenstrasse 7
Hertenstein (Suisse) CH-6353
Tél. : 41 0 41 390 11 82

CEO – Vancouver British Columbia School of Osteopathic Manual Practice

1150, Station Street, Floor 1
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6A 4C7
1 835 330-9425
[email protected]

CCO Winnipeg Wellington College

435 Berry Street, Winnipeg Manitoba R3J 1N6
Tél. : (416) 597-0367 / Fax : (416) 597-9919
Tél. : 1-877 893-0367
[email protected]